SUVA Children's Ministry Seminar - 20th Feb 2010
Come one, come all! YOU are invited to attend a Children's Ministry Seminar coming up in Suva! The seminar will cater especially to parents, Sunday School teachers, scripture class teachers, and new teachers that are just beginning their ministry to children!
Date: Saturday, 20th February 2010
Registration Time: 8 AM - 9 AM
Seminar Time: 9 AM - 4 PM
Cost Per Person: $15.00 (payable at the seminar venue)
(All handout notes provided)
Venue: Gospel High School, Dhanji Street, Suva
Please bring your lunch and juice!
CEF literature, Bible lessons, missionary stories, visualized songs
and more will be available for purchase!
If possible, please email us to register your attendance
by writing to us at
or by calling the CEF office in Lautoka at 620-7511
(This info will assist us in preparing a sufficient supply of training notes.)
We look forward to seeing you there!
Topics will include:
- Building a Gospel Foundation (The Message of Salvation)
- Building a FIRM Foundation (Discovering the Gold in CEF Bible Lessons)
- Winning Hearts to Christ (Using a Counseling Tool)
- Building a Great Bridge to Learning (Review Games that Teach!)
- Building Strong Christians (Teaching solid Bible Doctrine to Children)
- Building a Music Ministry to Children (Songs that Teach a Message)
- Building a MINISTRY that will last for eternity!