Thursday, August 27, 2009

Weekly Training Classes to Resume!

We are pleased to announce that the weekly teacher training classes in Lautoka are about to resume once again. We invite you to join us for great
ion and instruction
! Bible Lessons from the life of Esther will be taught each week and special training topics on how to teach the saved child will be presented for you, the teacher.

Venue: CEF National Office / 86 Drasa Avenue / Lautoka.
Dates: Beginning Tuesday, 01 September - 13 October (7 W
Cost: Free-of-Charge, Offerings for CEF Fiji receivedTime: 9-11 AM and 7-9 PM every Tuesday

Mobile: 995-3086


Office Phone: 620-7511

Taking Ownership

Oh, how we pray that God's people in Fiji will take ownership of the Moriah Project and CEF's need of a national office. If one takes ownership of something, then they feel the responsibility of being a good steward of what God has entrusted to them and seeing that project to the end.

Have you visited the MORIAH PROJECT Blog ? If not, click here.

We need you to be prayerfully informed and to "take ownership" of the Moriah Project! Will you get involved by praying and giving, organizing a fund-raising event, or even showing a DVD presentation in your church or home group?

We have the DVD and PPT presentation's yours, if you'll help us promote the work of CEF Fiji and the Moriah Project!

Special Course Conducted

CEF of FIJI conducted an 11-day training course recently. This intensive training course for teachers is called Teaching Children Effectively. This was a Level One course attended by a delightful group of nine adults...two men and seven women. They came from various church backgrounds but shared a common focus...a burden for the souls of children in Fiji.

They must now complete five "practicals" of teaching children before they can receive their certificates. PRAY for these dear teachers as they go forth to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel.

One of the men students commented "I came here to this CEF training course thinking that I knew something about being a teacher and a lay preacher. But I have discovered that I know nothing. I've been pretending! I've been watching you and you all started teaching (by example) even before you stood up in the classroom."